What Our Visitors Have to Say

Name: Graham Stone
Date: 25 Aug 2007


1952-53 I used to sell newspapers. Sun/Age/Argus, standing on the corner in front of the Victory Theater. I lived in a house at 18 Pine Av Elwood then later on Ormond Road just down from the Broadway Theater. "Broadway" was the only movie theater I have ever seen that had double seats at the back. While Kevin Adams was busy droping things and papers in the line of the screen projection. We were to busy in the "double seats" to notice. I have lived in Hong Kong, France, London, Boston and now live in Charleston USA. Your webpage brings back wonderful memories of Elwood. Thank you. <grahamcracker@bulktrucks.com>

Name: Kevin Adams
Date: 22 Aug 2007


Hey Sharon... the VICTORY was in St.Kilda and is now called THE NATIONAL. Elwood's cinema was THE BROADWAY and the building is still there, although it has now been converted into apartments. The facade and building itself is still quite recogniseable as a former Picture Theatre. It had a balcony with the projection room BELOW it- situated at the back of the stalls are. Evidently a favorite trick was for kids to drop things from above down through the projection beam - even hanging newspapers to block the light entirely - kids will be kids! Before conversion to apartments, the Broadway had been in use as a nightclub- evidently painted entirely black inside, with a bar set up infron of the old projection room. Pity.. it would probably be a successful arthouse cinema today! But thats progress... Cheers, Kev. cinemakev@iprimus.com.au

Name: Sharon Giblett
Date: 09 Jan 2007


Leo, Lovely to read of your memories of Elwood. Are you able to tell me where the Victory Theatre was in Elwood? Thanks. Sharon.

Name: Dale Price
Date: 28 Nov 2006


Hello. I came across "Voices From Elwood" and thought I should introduce myself and perhaps there may be an opportunity for me to submit a personal story as well. I was born in Elwood, 6 doors from Alva and Des Pickett. I still live in Elwood in Keats Street, which runs straight into their front driveway. My father still lives in our family home as well. I guess we all have colourful lives and stories to tell. I have been an active member of the Elwood Life Saving Club (Life Member), Tennis Club and Sailing Club. Former member of Save Elwood Streets (SES) and founding member of Save Our Suburbs (SOS). I am now 46 years of age and lived in Elwood all of my life, with the exception of 10 months in South Oakleigh, am a JP and work in the CBD. Would the society be interested in a story from me ? Dale Price