Duke of Edinburgh Hotel 1867 – 1996

374 St Kilda Rd, corner Martin Street, St Kilda
MEL: 58 C10



Quench your thirst on a dusty road to Brighton


Duke of Edinburgh Hotel, 2004

Patrick McGowran opened the Duke of Edinburgh in 1867. Mrs MA Hurley was the licensee from 1895 until her death in October 1912.  In 1917, then publican PG Hurley applied for a rate rebate on the property, claiming an estimated 50% reduction of business, due to shortened hours and increased prices of liquor since the beginning of the war. The hotel operated as the Duke of Edinburgh until 1996, then closed for a year until it reopened as a bar, The Duke, in 1998.  In 2003, it was converted into a function centre called SKD.


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