Appendix 1: Architects
John Gill (Barham House, later altered as Eildon,1850, 24).
Samuel Jackson (Wattle House, 1850, 23).
Albert Purchas (Berkley Hall, 1854, 26).
Robert Russell (Elwood House, 40 Elsternwick Hotel, 39 both 1854-55).
George Wharton (Summerland, 1852, now demolished, 15).
Later c19
Crouch and Wilson (Hofwyl, 1865-66, 44 and Linden, 8).
Ellerker & Kilburn, (The Priory, 1890, 28)
John Koch, (Ulimaroa, 1889, 48).
A.F. Kürsteiner, (Linden, 1870, 8).
William Pitt, (St Kilda Town Hall, 1887-90, 33).
Reed & Barnes (Eildon, 1871, 24).
Smith & Johnson, (The Espy, 1877-78, 14 and Brooklawn, 1880, 18).
William Wardell (Ardoch, (Dulquhurn) 1864, 31).
Early c20
Harold Desbrowe-Annear, (De Beer House, 71 Barkly Street, 1910, 45).
Edward Billson, (Tintara, 1923, 38).
Christopher Cowper, (Summerland, 1920-21, 15).
J. H. Esmond Dorney, (Surrey Court, 1933, 41).
Walter Burley Griffin & Marion Mahoney Griffin, (Palais, 1926, 3).
Hudson & Wardrop, (St Kilda Soldiers’ and Sailors Memorial Hall, 1923, 6).
Ray Johnson (& George Johnson, active 1869-92, in Edgewater Towers, 1959-60.
Harold Lawson, (Wimmera, 1917, 12).
Robert McIntyre, (Prince, 1937, 16 and Elsternwick Hotel, 1938, 39).
W.H.M. Merritt, The Esplanade (former Belvedere), 1929, 10).
Mewton and Grounds, (Woy Woy, 1935-36, 42).
James Charles Morrell, (St Kilda Pier & Kiosk, 1904, 1).
Sydney Smith & Ogg, (Brinsmeads’ Pharmacy, 1918, 36).
H.W. & F.B. Tomkins, (The Canterbury, 1914, 21).
Late c20
Ashton, Raggatt, McDougall, (St Kilda Library, 1992-93, 32 and St Kilda Town
Hall, 1992-94, 33).
Mordecai Benshemesh, (Edgewater Towers, 1959-60, 43).
Grounds, Romberg and Boyd, (former John Batman Inn, 1961-62, 46).
Norman Day, (Royal College of Anaesthetists of Australia and New Zealand,
Ulimaroa, 2000, 48).
Cassandra Fahey, (Sam Newman House, 2000, 22).
Ernest Fooks, (in Edgewater Towers, active 1948-81, 43).
Nonda Katsalidis, (St Leonards Appartments, 1995-96, 11).
Allan Powell, (21 Victoria Street, 1983-89, 13, Former Caffé Maximus, 1988, 7
and The Prince, 1998-99, 16).
Enrico Taglietti, (St Kilda Library, 1970-71, 32).
Wood Marsh, (The Prince, 2001, 16).
Appendix 2: People
Rev. Joseph Docker, (1793-1865). Rector, squatter, developer and land
speculator. Elwood House, 40.
Thomas McCombie, (d1869). Publican and novelist. Elsternwick Hotel, 39.
Hon. Alex Fraser, (1802-88). Pastoralist, auctioneer, land agent St Kilda Mayor,
MLC and Presbyterian. Former Cloyne, 29.
William Nicholson, (1816-65). Grocer, Lord Mayor, Premier. Eildon, 24.
Henry Field Gurner, (1819-83). Crown Solicitor of Victoria and land speculator.
Berkley Hall, 26.
John Lang Currie, (1818-98). Pastoralist, Eildon, 24.
James Bonwick, (1817-1906) Educationist and archivist. Hofwyl House Academy, 44.
Moritz Michaelis, (1820-1902). Manufacturer and philanthropist. Linden, 8.
Henry Figsby Young.. Publican. Figsby & Fareham, 9.
John Traill, (1826-1916) and family (-1960). Shipowner, former Ulimaroa, 48.
George John Watson, (1829-1906). Coaching racing and foxhounds. Fenagh, 25.
Augusta Gurner, (1829-1917).Horsewoman. Berkley Hall, 26.
Elise Pfund, (active 1833-1921). School mistress and art patron. Oberwyl, 27.
Captain Kenney, (active 1854), Sea baths operator. St Kilda Sea Baths, 2.
Dr I. E. Watkin, (1839-1916). Wesleyan minister, missionary, journalist,
geographer and property investor. Ulimaroa, 48.
Sir John Madden, (1844-1918). Barrister, MLA, Lieutenant Governor and Chancellor
of Melbourne University. Former Cloyne, 29.
Marcus Clarke, (1846-81). Novelist. Figsby and Fareham, 9.
Hon. William Sheils, (1848-1904). Lawyer, MLA, Premier of Victoria. (Former
Summerland). Summerland Mansions 15.
John Gomez DeSilva, (active 1851-59). Oberwyl, 27.
Berthe Mouchette, (c1850-active until 1892). Schoolmistress and artist. Oberwyl,
Brinsmead family, (active 1880s-1918). Pharmacists. Brinsmeads’ Pharmacy, 36.
Garton family,(active1898-c1974). School mistresses and residents. Oberwyl, 27.
James Orkney, (?-1914). MLA, Melbourne Harbour Trustee and hotel developer. The
Espy, 14.
Bruce family, (active1880s). Property owners, warehousemen and prime minister.
Brooklawn, 18.
Alfred Felton, (active, 1882-1904). Industrial chemist and philanthropist. The
Espy, 14.
Early c20
Herman and Leon Phillips, (active 1912-c1930?). Entrepreneurs, funfair,
dancehall and cinema operators. Palais Theatre, 3.
Herbert Vere Evatt, (1894-1965). High Court judge, Attorney General, Minister
for External Affairs, Deputy Prime Minister and United Nations President.
Ardoch, 31.
Mary Alice Evatt, (1898-1973). Artist. Ardoch, 31.
Thomas S. Carlyon, (?-1925) and son. Hoteliers. The Espy, 14.
Francis Parer, (active 1905-39). St Kilda Pier and Kiosk, 1.
Alex Younger, (c1882-1952/53). Builder and developer. Ardoch, 31.
Sir William Dargie, (b1912-). Portrait artist and multiple Archibald winner. St
Kilda Park Primary School, 20.
Albert Tucker, (1914-99). Artist. Figsby and Fareham, 9.
Kerby family, (active 1934-). Kiosk operators. St Kilda Pier and Kiosk, 1.
Sir Sidney Nolan, (1917-92). Artist. St Kilda Brighton Road Primary School, 34.
Campbell Fraser Johnson, (1917-97?). Pharmacist. Brinsmeads’ Pharmacy, 36.
Georges Mora, (1919-98). Foreign Legionnaire, art gallery owner, curator, and
restaurateur, Tolarno, 17.
Keith Miller, (1919-2004). Test cricketer, Australian captain, batsman and fast
bowler. St Kilda Park School, 20.
Sir Zelman Cowen, (1919-). Professor and Dean of the Faculty of Law at Melbourne
University, elsewhere twice vice chancellor, Governor General, Master of Wadham
College Oxford University board chairman including of John Fairfax Limited and
the British Press Council. St Kilda Park Primary School, 20
Joy Hester, (1920-60). Artist. Figsby and Fareham, 9.
Avram and Masha Zeleznikov (b1924 and 1928). Restaurateurs. Sheherazade, 5.
Mirka Mora, (b1928-). Artist. Tolarno, 17.
Kenneth Rowell, (?), Theatre designer. The Priory, 28.
Sweeney Reed, (1945-?). Art gallery operator, publisher and concrete poet.
Figsby and Fareham, 9.
Late c20
Jan Hillier and Doug Lucas, (active 1977-1992). Gay cabaret operators and
(Lucas) performer. The Prince, 16.
John and Frank Van Haandel, (active 1990s). Restaurateurs and hoteliers. The
Prince, 16.
Leon van Schaik, (c1945-). Deputy Vice Chancellor and Professor of Architecture,
RMIT University, architect and writer. St Leonards Apartments, 11.
Donleavy Fitzpatrick, (b1946-). Restaurateur and entrepreneur. Former Caffé
Maximus, 7.
Sam Newman. Performer and controversialist. Sam Newman House, 22.