Gippsland Hotel 1868 – 1967

128 Wellington Street, corner Chapel Street, St Kilda
MEL: 58 C9

John Griffin held the license from 1868 until 1875 when it was transferred to Frederick Lewis. On 10 September of that year, there is a record of a J Lewis, hotelkeeper, Chapel Street, fined for Sunday trading, and this is likely to have been the scene of the crime as there is no evidence of another Lewis in Chapel Street at that time. AJ Nolan, formerly of the Telegraph Hotel, Chapel Street, became its publican in 1895. On 16 May 1917, the hotel was served with an order by the City’s Health Inspector to provide proper and adequate sanitary accommodation, prevent nuisances caused by existing urinals, and remove refuse from the yard within 48 hours. This matter was not resolved until 2 February of the following year when plumber Jesse Dannock confirmed his contract to alter the sewages. HV Gillespie designed alterations and additions to the hotel in 1939. The Gippsland Hotel closed in 1967. The site no longer exists since the widening of the Chapel Street and Dandenong Road intersection.

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