Palmerston Hotel 1876 -

51 Palmerston Crescent, corner Kings Way, South Melbourne
MEL: 2K H3



Palmerston Hotel, 1981



This hotel, first licensed in 1876 by Margaret St Lawrence of Greville Street, Prahran, was built on the corner of Palmerston Crescent and Roy Street (now King’s Way). In the 1950s, Ma Munro, whose picture still graces the wall of the Palmerston Hotel today, managed the pub.  An Irish immigrant, Munro sponsored many a young Irishman’s immigration to Australia and they formed her bar staff.  The Geaney family bought the hotel in the 1980s together with three houses next to the pub that no longer exist.  The removal of personnel from both the BP House on Albert Road and the Defence Centre on St Kilda Road has adversely affected patronage of the hotel, which has several regulars, few of whom are locals.

 Text Box: Palmerston Hotel, 2003



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